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Showcasing Pop Culture Tourist Locations

Film Tourism is rising in popularity worldwide.  The purpose of this blog is to showcase the filming and setting locations of various forms of Pop Culture.  Some I have been to myself, some that are on my wish-list, and others that may appeal to fandoms other than the ones I personally follow.

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New York Central Park

The Great Lawn Of course, Central Park features a lot it Pop Culture, including Doctor Who. In the Series three two-parter, Daleks in...

The Pandorica Opens

In Beacon, New York State, there is a Doctor Who themed restaurant called The Pandorica. Centrepiece in this amazing restaurant is the...

Stonehenge - Doctor Who

Stonehenge was the setting for the series 5 finale episodes, The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang (two of my favourite episodes which I...

Palace of Versailles - Doctor Who

When the château was built, Versailles was a country village; today, however, it is a suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest of...

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